Technical changes reserved
0141 0316-22 20.04.2016
Calibrated humidity module
Off late, humidity measurement has found entry into many mass produ-
ced items like ventilation and household appliances or automotive ap-
plications. Normally for such products, a fully integrated and calibrated
sub-module is required which can result into an attractive system price
with a standard calibrated interface.
The B+B humidity module combines the most modern thin film sensor
technology with flexible, digital signal processing of an ASIC and pre
sents an optimum price performance ratio.
The high quality, capacitive humidity sensor guarantees highest measu-
ring accuracy, drift stability, weather resistance as well as an outstanding
long-term stability. Moreover, after long saturation phase, the measured
value builds up very fast.
The calibrated humidity and temperature values are transmitted over the
analogue output with high accuracy and resolution, which enables simp-
le integration into customised products. The calibrated output signal gu-
arantees simple integration of the sub-system during development pha-
se, which results in the shortest time-to-market product developments.
Additionally, temperature can also be determined over the brought out
NTC, which enables calculation of dew point or absolute humidity.
Technical Data
Characteristic features
Calibrated module for humidity and temperature measurement
and also for determining dew point
Analogue, ratiometric voltage output 1...3.6 V for 0...100 % RH
Accuracy ±3 % RH from 20...90 % RH
Capacitive SMD Polymer sensor
Precise, long term stable and dew resistant
Passive NTC for temperature measurement
Soldered pins for direct mounting on printed circuit board
RoHS conformance, CE-conformance
• Wide application spectrum
• Miniaturised dimensions
• Optimum price performance ratio
Typical areas of application
• Building automation
Ventilation and air-conditioning
Industrial instrumentation
• White goods
OEM products
Humidity module HYTE-ANA-1735
Humidity sensor
Capacitive polymer SMD
humidity sensor KFS 140
application range
0 ... 95 % RH
(max. dew point = 50 °C)
±3 % RH of 20...90 % RH and at 23 °C
Two point, 33 % and 75 % RH
Response time t90
<20 sec. at 2 m/s
Tk-Residue error
<0.1 % RH/K type.
Humidity signal (linear)
1...3.6 V for 0...100 % RH ratio metric
0.1 % RH (10 Bit)
application range
-40...+100 °C
Precision-NTC 10 k 0.5 %
Type TS-NTC-103
Operating voltage
4,75...5,25 V
Current input
2,5 mA
EMV-noise emission
EMV-noise withstanding 61000-6-1:2007
(B x H x T)
36.0 x 12.0 x 13.5 mm
Grid size 2.54 mm
see drawing
B+B Thermo-Technik GmbH | Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 4 | D-78166 Donaueschingen
Fon +49 771 83160 | Fax +49 771 831650 | [email protected] | bb-sensors.com
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