Port-VLAN Mapping
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L2 Switching
802.1Q VLAN
Port-VLAN Mapping
The ensuing table for
Port-VLAN Mapping Table
settings are informational only: Port, Mode,
Administrative VLANs and Operational VLANs.
The Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP) is a local area network (LAN) protocol.
The protocol defines procedures for the registration and de-registration of attributes (network
identifiers or addresses) by end stations and switches with each other.
GARP Settings
To access this page, click
L2 Switching
GARP Settings
Figure 55: L2 Switching > GARP > GARP Settings
The following table describes the items in the previous figure.
The ensuing table for
GARP Information
settings are informational only: Join Time, Leave
Time and Leave All Time.
Table 38: L2 Switching > GARP > GARP Settings
Join Time
Enter a value to specify the time between the transmission of GARP PDUs
registering (or re-registering) membership for a VLAN or multicast group in
centiseconds. Enter a number between 6 and 600. An instance of this timer
exists for each GARP participant for each port.
Leave Time
Enter a value to specify the time to wait after receiving an unregister request
for a VLAN or multicast group before deleting the associated entry, in centi-
seconds. This allows time for another station to assert registration for the
same attribute in order to maintain uninterrupted service. Enter a number
between 12 and 3000. An instance of this timer exists for each GARP partic-
ipant for each port.
Leave All Time
Enter a value to specify the Leave All Time controls how frequently Leave All
PDUs are generated. A LeaveAll PDU indicates that all registrations will
shortly be deregistered. Participants will need to rejoin in order to maintain
registration. The Leave All Period Timer is set to a random value in the
range of LeaveAllTime to 1.5*LeaveAllTime. The timer is specified in centi-
seconds. Enter a number between 12 and 12000. An instance of this timer
exists for each GARP participant for each port.
to save the values and update the screen.