Quick Start Guide – Overshot Mode & OSA Assembly
Step 1 – Arming Probe
Power up probe by rolling OSA 360 degrees in a horizontal position; wait for
connection indicator dot to turn solid blue indicating wireless connection;
From main menu select
<Arm Probe>
<Overshot Mode>
from “Survey Type” drop down menu;
Tick “High Accuracy”;
Set “Hold Off” time so that probe wakes up well before you need to take first survey;
. Probe will now power up and can be moved during countdown.
Step 2 – Taking Surveys
Attach OSA to overshot & lower down hole at less than 150m per minute;
When approaching back end, slow down wireline speed to approximately 20 meters
a minute;
When OSA is landed on innertube pause for 15 seconds for probe to settle;
<Press when at Bottom of hole>
Input Depth & then select
“Survey Complete”
is displayed press
and proceed to winch OSA &
innertube to surface at normal speed;
When OSA is at surface, suspend innertube using skillet and detach OSA from inner
tube and run out.
Step 3 – Downloading Survey
Power up probe by rolling OSA 360 degrees in a horizontal position; wait for
connection indicator dot to turn solid blue indicating wireless connection;
From main menu select
<Read Probe>
Select Drill Hole Name;
If the hole name already exists select it to append the results to it and press <
If the survey is the first survey of a new hole you will have to type in the hole name
then press
Check Latitude is correct (latitude will be stored until changed), select
Survey is now complete and down loaded.
To Export Survey file, insert USB stick then select:
Main Menu > View Survey > Export
> Basic > OK > Select Hole number > OK > USB stick > OK