9. General rules
1. It is advised to check scale indication accuracy before and after series of
measurement using any load with known weight. To check the scale with legal
verification uses a calibration weight with valid calibration certificate. In case
permissible error is exceeded it is advised to contact the nearest service to
calibrate the scale.
2. Weighed sample should be placed in the centre of the pan.
3. The scale is equipped with a tare equal to its range. To tare the scale press
key (left or right). Storing a tare value does not extend measuring range,
but only subtracts it from a load placed on a pan. To make weight control
easier and to avoid range overdrawing, the scale is equipped with a load
indicator (graduated in percentages).
4. Weighing result should be read when the indicator "
" lights, which
signalizes stabilization of a result.
5. When the scale is not used but it is necessary to be ready to work
immediately, it can be switched off by pressing I/ key. The scale reading
system is then switched off to "standby" mode. To switch the scale on press
I/ key. The scale is immediately ready to operate maximum accuracy (after
self tests).
6. Before each measurement make sure that zero indicator is displayed. If zero
indicator does not displayed or “----“ communicate appears, press
and wait until zero indication and zero indicator appears
7. The mechanism of scale is a precision devices and susceptible on congestions,
impacts and mechanical shakes.
Do not overload the scale more then 20% of maximum load (Max).
Do not press a pan by hand.
Scale should be protected during the transport.