AXIS 243Q Blade Video Server
AXIS 291 1U Video Server Rack
Full frame rate, high-density video encoder rack solution
The powerful combination of AXIS 243Q and AXIS 291 1U
offers full frame rate at up to 4CIF resolutions on all channels
The Axis video server rack solution is designed to migrate
4–12 analog cameras to high performance, IP-based, digital
video streams, using a single Ethernet port.
Analog video is converted to high-quality, de-interlaced, digital
Simultaneous Motion JPEG and MPEG-4 for optimized quality
and bandwidth
The event management capabilities ensure efficient use
of the cameras in the network video system. This includes
multi-window video motion detection and alarm buffering.
The video server enables pan/tilt/zoom control over the
network of all leading brands of analog video cameras on the
FUll FRAme RAte
HIgH-denSIty SolUtIon
HIgH-QUAlIty, de-InteRlAced VIdeo
SImUltAneoUS mPeg-4
And motIon JPeg
AXIS 291 1U Video Server Rack is a
high-density solution for seamless and
professional installation of
video encoders. Together with the
AXIS 243Q Blade Video Server, it is
designed to migrate analog systems to
high performance, IP-based,
digital solutions.
VIdeo motIon detectIon And
SUPPoRt FoR PtZ And dome cAmeRAS