The “WEEKDAYS” feature
The “WEEKDAYS” feature enables you to set a different alarm time for every single day and
therefore also means that you can set the alarm to OFF on certain days, e.g. at the weekend.
Menu settings
(Example: Person 1)
In the menu item “P1 SET“ you can choose between two alarm settings: ”AL1 DAYS“ and “AL1 OFF“
Using “AL1 DAYS“ you can set the alarm time separately for every single weekday.
“AL1 OFF“ turns the alarm OFF on all days.
Choice of weekday
The current day of the week is indicated by the flashing first letter – you can scroll to any other day. You
can then click to select the desired weekday.
Weekday setting
After choosing the desired weekday there are 2 more options:
”Set Alarm Time“ and ”Set Alarm OFF“
You can set the wake-up time (e.g. “7.00”) by clicking. After the hours/minutes have been set,
the menu automatically jumps to the next weekday.
By scrolling to “OFF” you can turn OFF the respective alarm for this weekday.
Scroll to P1 SET + click, Scroll to ALARM + click, AL1 DAYS click, scroll to choose the w click,
Click to set the alarm time or scroll to OFF + click, Scroll for setting the alarm hour + click, Scroll for
setting the alarm m click, Set next weekday or use “Back” button to jump to the P1 menu
(ALARM) or via “Home” button for the standby mode (Home).