number of programme steps: 124
very simple programming of lighting effects
load capacity: 200 mA
The controller is equipped with eight outputs to
directly control of light emitting diodes or
through which they can then
switch on any high-
power equipment.
The light sequences are not
imposed - each
user programs them independently. It
is possible
to program a sequence consisting of
steps maximum.
This programme is stored in non-
volatile EEPROM memory
of the microcontroller. It is
possible to play a recorded sequence once or to play
it in a loop.
Playback speed can be adjusted
pressing two buttons in 27 steps
from 0.05 second up
to 30 seconds/step.
e.g., LEDs or relays
eight outputs to control light sources
UP/DOWN keys to adjust the speed of change
supply: 12 VDC
control of various types of output systems,
operating status indication: LED
Electrical diagram of the controller is shown in
Figure 1. Operation of the circuit is controlled by a
ATtiny2313 timed by an internal
clock signal
. The controller must be supplied
a voltage of 12 V DC connected to the VCC
The D1 diode protects the circuit from
incorrect polarity of the input voltage. The U1
stabiliser provides the +5 V voltage, while the C1
C4 components filter
it. As an output amplifier for
the individual
controller channels, the ULN2803A
chip was used,
which contains 8 transistor amplifier
stages with protection diodes for direct control
relays. The circuit outputs can be loaded with up to
200 mA
channel. To program the sequence
SW1 switch of the DIP SWITCH type was used. LED
indicates recording
sequence in programming
mode and in
operation mode it indicates system
activity by blinking.
Three buttons S1
S3 are used
to operate the module. In normal operation, the S1
button is used to replay the entire sequence, S2 to
reduce the playback speed and S3 to increase it. In
programming mode, S1 is used to save the step,
while S2 and S3 are used to complete the sequence
creation procedure and select how to play it back.
Circuit description
8-Channel LED Controller
AVT 1881