Digital/Analog Stereo Audio Amplifier
Quick Start Guide
This Digital/Analog Stereo Audio Amplifier is a compact, high performance,
Class-D amplifier which features both digital and analog inputs. Volume and input
selection can be controlled via front panel buttons or RS-232. LED indicators
provide selection and feature information. This unit is designed for both the
commercial and residential user who needs to output a high quality source to
local analog speakers.
This quick start guide will be going
• Installation
• Product breakdown
• Troubleshooting
1. PLug in the dc 24v power supply
included with the AC-amp-2024
2. Connect the audio source (Dvd player, cable box, gaming
console) via Optical digital audio input or stereo analog audio
3. Connect to unpowered speakers via the blue left/right
speaker connections.
4. control the system settings with the front panel