SmartEdge Industrial IoT Gateway
User Guide
Page 27
The Gateway has an optional one-time "switch" to enable a secure boot feature
Once enabled, the processor will ensure only Avnet signed boot files are executed by the processor. Other files will
cause the boot process to halt without explanation (unit will appear dead!)
Important! After enabling secure boot, only Avnet signed images can be used on the Gateway. All other images will
not boot!
for additional information on the secure boot feature.
High compatibility with standard Raspbian utilities such as “raspi-config, and raspi-gpio”, etc, make it easy to transition
from a standard Raspberry Pi to the Avnet SmartEdge IIoT Gateway.
Various TPM 2.0 compliant utilities can be found in /usr/local/bin.
U-Boot starts first instead of the kernel, and launches kernel after filling out TPM 2.0 PCR 0 value. If secure boot is
enabled, this provides a core root of trust for measurement (CRTM) implementation.
TPM 2.0 PCR 0 element contains the value of the kernel (/boot/zImage) that is calculated from u-boot.
To conserve space, the desktop GUI is not installed on the standard image
To install, perform the following steps with a network connection:
# Ensure Avnet /boot files don't change with upgrade
sudo apt-mark hold raspberrypi-bootloader
sudo apt-mark hold raspberrypi-kernel
sudo apt-mark hold raspberrypi-sys-mods
# Get latest updates
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt dist-upgrade
# Install the desktop GUI
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends xserver-xorg xinit
sudo apt install raspberrypi-ui-mods
# Install web browser (optional)
sudo apt install chromium-browser
# Remove downloaded apt packages from above steps (no longer needed)
sudo apt clean
# Change boot setting to enable desktop boot
sudo raspi-config # Use menus to enable desktop boot