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2.2 AAQ Antenna System
The controller combined with the proven AvL pedestal provides a pure and simple solution for
communications in any environment. The controller offers many intuitive features allowing the user to
successfully maintain and operate the antenna both locally and remotely from anywhere in the world.
2.2.1 AvL Cable Drive System
The AvL cable drive system that is used with the AAQ Controller, utilizes highly reliable aircraft
control cables in a redundant configuration to achieve a zero backlash, light-weight, very stiff drive
system. It achieves this high-tech performance by wrapping the cable around the drive capstan
several times before wrapping the larger drive drum. The method used to wrap the capstan results
in a minimum free length of cable. The load in the cable on the main drum is exponentially reduced
as it is wrapped around the drum. Therefore, the total elongation of the cable when under load is
minimized. The AvL cable drive system results in stiffness of up to 10 times that of comparable gear
or harmonic drive systems. The cables are pre-tensioned and spring loaded at the main drum
attachment point which eliminates backlash at installation and backlash from any cable stretch in
the future.
2.2.2 Motor Drives
Lightweight, reliable, DC motors with integral gearboxes are used for the Az, El and Pol drives. These
motors were selected because they provide the best torque-to-weight ratio as well as allowing dual
speed operation for slewing and peaking. These motors produce constant torque over a wide speed
range, which ensures smooth operation when peaking the antenna.
Additional information on the AAQ controller, Cable drive & antenna systems can be found in the
Theory of operation section Chapter 7.