Standard operating procedure for Aviv 410 CD instrument
Turning ON the instrument:
Turn on the N
gas bottle by opening the gas valve on top (1/4 turn) and
not the regulator (do not change the settings on the regulator).
Familiarise yourself with the gauge: a full bottle reads 200 Litres, as
measured on the inner red dial.
Open the inlet and outlet valves on both sides of the oxygen scrubber on
the floor next to the CD instrument.
Adjust the N
flow regulator to 25.
Turn on the water-bath pump situated on the unit to the right of the CD
instrument. The temperature of the water bath is set to 20˚C. Do not
change this setting. Check the water level and add de-ionised water if
necessary. Make sure that the water is circulating.
Monitor the oxygen level on the oxygen monitor on the right hand side
of the lower shelf of the CD trolley. The oxygen level should read below
5 ppm before you can operate the CD instrument. Adjust the flow rate in
the oxygen monitor by turning the black knob at the back of the monitor
clockwise or anti-clockwise. The black marker in the flow meter on the
front of the oxygen monitor should always be ~ 0.2 (otherwise you are
not measuring the true oxygen concentration). Make sure that the
instrument is reading ppm and not % (it changes automatically when it
reaches 0.1% oxygen (1000 ppm) to the ppm scale). There are indicator
lights next to the displayed number that tell you if the units are ppm or
percentage. This step should take about 60-90 min. Do not attempt to
turn-on the xenon lamp before the read-out is below 5 ppm.
Turn-on the switch marked ‘Xenon lamp’ on the front left side of the
CD instrument.
The lamp power supply is on the lower shelf next to the oxygen
monitor. Wait until the LED green light, indicating ‘lamp ready’, is on.
When the green light is on, press the red button on the lamp power
supply to ignite the lamp.
Turn on the CPU switch on the front of the instrument (next to the
Xenon lamp switch).
Turn on the computer and open the Aviv 410 software.
Watch the oxygen level in the oxygen monitor and gradually reduce the
flow to 20 while at the same time maintaining the flow rate in the
oxygen monitor to ~0.2 (this could be done at any time during the
experimental run).
You are now ready to start the experiments.
During operation, monitor the N
purity by reading the output of the
oxygen monitor. If at any point the oxygen level goes above 5 ppm, turn
the Xenon lamp off immediately. As well as the oxygen level you