Adding and Replacing Hardware
The system is designed to remain operational if a component fails. You can expand your system (add
an Engine, add more Media Packs) in real time, within the limits specified by your system
configuration (see the
Avid NEXIS ReadMe
for configuration limits).
However, do not add any hardware if there are any issues with the system. Correct all problems
before adding new hardware or making changes to the system, and perform quick checks to verify
that the system is in good working order.
Do not lift the chassis by the handles on the power supply units—they are not designed to
support the weight.
Always have available a replacement or blank module before removing the old module. When
you replace a module, do not leave a bay empty for more than 10 minutes.
Use a suitable anti-static wrist or ankle strap and observe all conventional ESD precautions
when handling plug-in modules and components.
You can replace most hardware components without disrupting the system operation.
Collecting Logs for Customer Care
To help Avid evaluate returned components, collect any available system logs from the time the
failure occurred, including any event or error messages, and send them to your Customer Care
representative when ordering a replacement part.
To collect system logs:
1. In the Management Console, click Logs, then Event History.
2. Click Download.
A file named history.zip is created and saved to your default downloads directory.
3. Mention this file when ordering a replacement part. Your Customer Care representative can
provide information on how to send that file to Avid.
Hardware Faults
LED colors are used consistently throughout the Engine and its components for indicating status:
Green – good or positive indication
Flashing green/amber – non-critical condition
Amber – fault
Make sure that you have obtained a replacement module before removing any faulty module.