Assembly Instructions
Thank you for purchasing AVFI’s SYZ42 Stand
This product is design for free standing mounting of SMART kapp 42® and up to 60” screen up to 75 lbs.
For portrait setup VESA pattern must be centered; 400mm X 400mm, 400mm X 200mm ONLY
Confirm all hardware is included before you begin assembly.
Read these instructions start to finish before beginning installation.
Have at least 2 people mount the display.
Note: If you cannot understand these instructions or are concerned about safety of the installation contact a qualified
contractor or contact VFI at 1-877-834-3876
Supplied Parts
Supplied Hardware for Kapp 42
Black Spacer
M10 X 35
Adhesive Bumper
190 Don Hillock Drive |Aurora |Ontario|L4G 0G9 | 1.877.834.3876
190 Don Hillock Drive |Aurora |Ontario|L4G 0G9 | 1.877.834.3876
M6 X 25
Base with wheels
Not all hardware supplied will be used, depending on the manufacturer of your display.
Hex Key M6 (Supplied in Hardware Kit S 42-84)
Hex Key M10 (Supplied in Hardware Kit TV 52-70)
Hardware Bag
Kit S 42-84
Kit TV52-70
Tools required
Structural Tube
Place parts on non abrasive surface
Install grommets onto the holes of the tube
M6 X 25 (6)
Kit Grommet &
Adhesive Bumper
Adhesive Bumper
Install plate onto the structure tube
Insert M6 x 25 (6) starting from the top
of the tube to position bracket onto highest
Grommet (2)