5. In the list of available devices, tap the entry that matches the ID on the label on the bottom
of the handset.
The handset entry is displayed as
, where the last 6 digits represent
the unique ID of the handset.
When pairing is successful, the list of currently connected devices indicates that the
wireless handset is connected.
Connected devices
menu displays tips related to pairing and connecting the wireless
Removing the pairing with the wireless handset
About this task
Use this procedure to remove the pairing between your Avaya Vantage
device and the wireless
handset. After you remove the pairing, you can connect and use a wired handset with your device
or pair the wireless handset with another device.
Before you begin
Ensure the following:
• Bluetooth is enabled on the device.
• The wireless handset is turned on.
1. Tap
Connected devices
2. In the list of currently connected devices, tap next to the entry for the paired wireless
The list displays the paired handset entry as
Avaya J100-
3. Tap
The device removes the wireless handset from its list of paired devices.
Wall mounting options for Avaya Vantage
Avaya Vantage
comes with an adjustable stand that you can use as a desk stand or a wall-
mount. You do not need to order a separate wall-mount kit for the device. The stand has two
standard wall-mount slots built in. You can mount your device to the wall using:
• Two screws vertically spaced 4 inches apart.
• A standard dual-stud telephone wall plate that is installed on the wall.
Wall mounting options for Avaya Vantage
April 2021
Using Avaya Vantage