Parameter name
Default value
phone. These values are inserted into the VLAN
tag for audio frames (RTP, RTCP, SRTP, SRTCP).
All other frames except those specified by the
L2QSIG parameter are set to priority 0.
Valid values are 0 through 7.
L2QAUD is configured through:
• SET command in the
Specifies the value of the VLAN priority portion of
the VLAN tag when the phone generates tagged
Ethernet frames from the internal CPU of the
phone. These values are inserted into the VLAN
tag for signaling frames (SIP). All other frames
except those specified by the L2QAUD parameter
are set to priority 0.
Valid values are 0 through 7.
L2QSIG is configured through:
• SET command in the
Configuration through LLDP
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is an open standards, layer 2 protocol that IP phones use to
advertise their identity and capabilities and to receive administration from Ethernet switches. LAN
equipment can use LLDP to manage power and administer VLANs, DSCP, and 802.1p priority
The transmission and reception of LLDP is specified in IEEE 802.1AB-2005. The use Type-Length-
Value (TLV) elements specified in IEEE 802.1AB-2005, TIA TR-41 Committee - Media Endpoint
Discovery (LLDP-MED, ANSI/TIA-1057), and Proprietary elements. LLDP Data Units (LLDPDUs)
are sent to the LLDP Multicast MAC address.
The running SIP software support IEEE 802.1AB if the value of the configuration parameter
LLDP_ENABLED is “1” (On) or “2” (Auto). If the value of LLDP_ENABLED is “0” (off), the
transmission and reception of Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is not supported. When the
value of LLDP_ENABLED is “2”, the transmission of LLDP frames does not begin until an LLDP
frame is received. The first LLDP frame will is transmitted within 2 seconds after the first LLDP
frame is received. After transmission begins, an LLDPDU is transmitted every 30 seconds. A delay
of up to 30 seconds in phone initialization might occur if the file server address is delivered by LLDP
and not by DHCP.
File Server configuration
September 2017
Installing and Administering Avaya J129 IP Phone