Downloading text language files
About this task
You must save the language files used for text entry and display purposes in the same location
as the 46xxsettings file or in the HTTP Server directory. The HTTP Server directory is defined
using the
server directory path command.
You can download a new language file version only if the filename differs from the language
file previously downloaded. Alternately, you can remove the old language file using an empty
command in the 46xxsettings file before downloading a language file with the
same filename.
Changing the signaling protocol
About this task
For enterprises requiring both H.323 and SIP-based protocols, you can specify the protocol
for all or specific deskphones in the following two ways:
1. As of Release 6.0, you can set the SIG parameter in DHCP Option 242 (Site-
Specific Option Number) or in the 46xxsettings.txt file.
This setting will apply to all telephones except those for which SIG has been
manually configured to a value of H.323 or SIP using the SIG Craft procedure.
2. You can set the SIG parameter on a per-phone basis using the SIG Craft procedure.
For more information, see
Changing the signaling protocol on page 45
page 61.
Applying settings to logical groups
You might have different communities of end users with the same deskphone model but
requiring different administered settings. For example, you might want to restrict Call Center
agents from logging out, an essential capability for
associates. This section
provides examples of the group settings for each of these situations.
You can separate groups of users is to associate each of them with a number. Use the GROUP
parameter for this purpose. You cannot set GROUP system value in the 46xxsettings file. The
Downloading text language files
Installing and Maintaining Avaya IP Deskphone H.323 9608, 9611G, 9621G, and 9641G
August 2013 69