Language Files and Certificate Files. When the telephone downloads a Signed Software
Package which can contain either Kernel and Root Software Packages or Application and
Library Software Packages, it is initially stored in volatile memory (RAM). The system installs
the other downloaded files such as Language Files and Certificate Files directly in the
Application File System.
When either type of Signed Software Package is downloaded, the Signing Authority Certificate
is extracted from the package and is validated using a copy of the Avaya Product Root
Certificate Authority Certificate that is contained in the existing application software files. If the
Signing Authority Certificate is invalid, the package is deleted. If the Signing Authority
Certificate is valid, the Hardware Version File in the package is validated using the
corresponding Signature File in the package and the Signing Authority Certificate. If the
signature is invalid, the package is deleted. If the signature is valid, the Hardware Version File
is used to validate whether the package is valid for the model and hardware version of the
telephone. If it is invalid, the package is deleted. If it is valid, the signature of the Software
Packages is validated using the corresponding Signature Files in the package and the Signing
Authority Certificate. If either signature is invalid, the package is deleted.
If the signatures are valid and the Signed Software Package is a Signed Application/Library
Software Package, the package is stored in Temporary Storage. If the Backup Flag is set in
the Hardware Version File, a copy of the Signed Application / Library Software Package is also
stored as the Backup Package, replacing the previous Backup Package.
If the signatures are valid and the Signed Software Package is a Signed Kernel or a Root
Software Package, the system installs the Kernel Software Package or the Root File System
Software Package or both, if either has a different file name than the currently installed version.
The system replaces the existing corresponding files in the Kernel/Root File System that was
not active during startup. A Root File System Software Package might also install new boot
programs in the boot program area. The system then marks the Kernel or the Root File System
as the one to be activated after the next power-up or reset. The system then sets the value of
the persistent parameter RFSINUSE to the file name of the Signed Kernel/Root Software
Package that was installed.
If a new Signed Kernel or Root Software Package was installed, the deskphone activates the
new Kernel or Root File System that will install the new Signed Application or Library Software
Package stored in Temporary Storage. If a new Signed Kernel or Root Software Package was
not installed, the telephone application registers with a call server.
Understanding the plug in and reset process
Plug the IP deskphone into the Ethernet wall jack. The phone receives power from the port
and performs the following processes:
Understanding the plug in and reset process
Installing and Maintaining Avaya IP Deskphone H.323 9608, 9611G, 9621G, and 9641G
August 2013 29