The default value of HEADSYS is related to the value of CALLCTRSTAT. If the value
of CALLCTRSTAT is 1, then the default of HEADSYS is 1.
If value of CALLCTRSTAT is 0, then the default of HEADSYS is also 0.
In either case, the administrator can override defaults by explicitly setting HEADSYS
in the 46xxsettings file.
Customers using Call center features without configuring CALLCTRSTAT, must have
the HEADSYS parameter set to 1.
New features in Release 6.2
Release 6.2 introduced the following features and functionality:
• The Debug procedure has been expanded to allow technicians to send immediate debug
reports to specified servers.
• A version of software that disables VPN and media encryption. To download this software,
go to the Avaya Support website
version on the About Avaya IP Deskphone screen on the deskphone with a “U” appended
to the software release.
• Support for Secure Shell (SSH). This protocol is intended to help Avaya Services monitor
deskphone performance.
• Extensible Authentication Protocol with TLS authentication (EAP-TLS ) is supported, in
part using the DOT1XEAPS parameter.
• The AGTIDVUSTAT parameter. Call center agents who do not log in from a telephone,
for example, logging in from a personal computer, can use the AGTIDVUSTAT parameter
to specify a VuStats format number. With the VuStats format number, the telephone can
determine the Agent ID of the call center agent, which is essential to administer Agent
• A software application watchdog that automatically monitors other software processes.
The software application also determines whether the software processes have become
unresponsive. If processes have become unresponsive, the software application
generates a log event and either ends the process or resets the telephone. To disable or
re-enable this application watchdog, use the APPLICATIONWD parameter.
• Bluetooth functionality. To disable this functionality, use the BLUETOOTHSTAT
parameter in the settings file.
• A recording tone that can be played when the user is on a call that is being recorded. To
play this tone, use the RECORDINGTONE parameter. This feature would be relevant to
New features in Release 6.2
Installing and Maintaining Avaya IP Deskphone H.323 9608, 9611G, 9621G, and 9641G
August 2013 11