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› G e n e R a l R e F e R e n C e
Please take a moment to review this page in order
to familiarize yourself with these four ports on the
valve and the programming values below. It is cru-
cial not to mistake the inlet port with the outlet port.
Mistaking and reversing the inlet and outlet ports
will lead to failure of your softener system.
As you work through this guide, please make sure
to follow all instructions exactly and to make spe-
cial note of the bolded instructions and warning
Pdf viewers may click underlined text
to jump to that page or the page number in the
bottom corner of every page to jump to the table
of contents.
All our installation guides may be found
on our site under “Information.”
› q u I C k s ta R t
Here are the program settings for your softener.
If not all of the values are filled in, you can
the missing values from the exercise on pages
4 and 5 of this guide.
There we will cover the three
essential values of
, and
. The remaining filled in values are
the general standards for all softeners.
Initial Programming:
When you
first plug in
unit, the control will require you to enter the adjacent
values. Use the UP / DOWN buttons to cycle through
the settings, use the SQUARE / SET button to enter
edit mode, use the UP / DOWN buttons to adjust the
selected setting, and use the SQUARE / SET button
to set it and continue on to the next setting. A more
in-depth guide to programming the Autotrol 255/760
begins on
of this guide.
editing Program Values:
If you wish to edit any of
these individual settings
after completing initial pro-
, use the UP / DOWN buttons to highlight
the desired setting, click the SQUARE / SET button
to enter edit mode, use the UP / DOWN buttons to
adjust, and set it with the SQUARE / SET button.
If you wish
reprogram entirely
, hold
both the SQUARE / SET button and DOWN button
at the same time for 5 seconds until the tank size
shown in cubic feet appears, and then hold just the
SQUARE / SET button to reprogram.
I n l e t
o u t l e t
d R a I n
s e t t I n G
I n P u t Va l u e
Tank Size
K / 32 K = Cubic ft
Ex: 64 K / 32 K = 2.0 Cu Ft
Time of Day
*Current Time of Day
Day of the Week
*Current Day of the Week
Regeneration Time
2:00 AM
Day Override
14 Days
Salt Setting
< 10 gpg: L - Low
10 - 20 gpg: S - Standard
> 20 gpg: h - high
Grains per Gallon
B R I n e
Job Number:
Model Number:
Mineral Tank Size: