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SL93x + TBV327-MT-EN
p. 34/40
5.12. Trouble shooting
Refer to error messages of the control unit.
No power
Check that the equipment is connected to the power supply and
that the mains switch is ON (ch.5.2. ).
Defect detected: refer to the error message displayed (ch. 5.11. ).
The obstacle does
not move
Check if the gate has detected a defect (ch. 5.11. ).
Check that ambient temperature is within the requ ired range
(ch.2.1. ).
Check the power supply, the state of the circuit breaker and the
fuses, and the voltage delivered by the stabilised power supply
Check if the variable speed controller is defective (refer to the
error code on the VSC).
The obstacle does
not lock in closed
Check the power supply (see here above).
Check if the lock is powered and enters into the rotor hole (ch. 4.1. ).
Check the electromagnet contact plate wire.
Check the variable speed controller power supply.
Check for a mechanical obstruction of the movement .
The obstacle
remains open
Check that the clockwise/counter -clockwise opening commands are
not maintained.
Check that the evacuation contact is closed (ch. 3.4. ).