Revised 8/14/02 • U253
© 2002 Automated Logic Corporation
Power - On when the module is on.
Rx - On when the module receives data.
On when the module transmits data.
DO1 - On when digital output 1 is active.
DO2 - On when digital output 2 is active.
Production Date
To determine when a module was
manufactured, check the module status
report for the module in WebCTRL or
SuperVision. Refer to the appropriate user’s
guide for more information about the module
status report.
A sticker on the back of the module also
shows the date the module was
manufactured. The first three characters on
the sticker indicate the type of module. The
next two characters show the year and month
of manufacture. (The month digit is in
Table 6. Error LED
2 times per second
Firmware error. Transfer
memory to the module to
Solid on
Hardware failure.