The dashboard consists of the Monitor(1), the Data Processing Unit(DPU)(2), and
several different types of Sensors. There are two types of Power Cords. Power Cord A(3) can
be plugged into the car's cigarette lighter. Power Cord B(4) can be integrated directly into
the car's circuit. The DPU receives and processes data transmissions from the Sensors, and
sends the processed data to the Monitor via Bluetooth. The Sensors consists of the Oil
Pressure Sensor(5), the Water Temp Sensor and Oil Temp Sensor(6), Boost Gauge Sensor(7)
and its Accessories(8), Exhaust Gas Temp Sensor(9) and its Accessories(10), Sensor Wires(11)
and the Monitor Stand(12).
The Monitor has two sockets, one is on the left edge and the other is on the right edge,
only one socket can be connected to a cord at a time. The sockets are MiniUSB sockets.
(IMPORTANT: This socket is incompatible with normal MiniUSB cords, specialised cords
must be used. Usage of incompatible cords may damage the device.)
The Monitor has four buttons, positioned on the left and right side, two on each side.
Upper-left button reads "
", it is used to bring up the Settings Menu, execute the
"confirm" action and other functions. Lower-left button reads "
", it is used to
Exit the Settings Menu and execute the "cancel" action. Upper and Lower-right buttons are
“↓” buttons respectively. They are used to scroll through options and altering the
options when they are selected.