Autodesk CAICE VISUAL ROADS 10 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Using Manual Download Page 1 

CAiCE Visual Roads 10 


1. General Product Information 

1.1 What is CAiCE Visual Roads? 


 Visual Roads


 software is a comprehensive design tool that enables you to 

interactively create design models for transportation projects of all types. You can use it for 
projects ranging from simple roads to complex highways and interchanges, as well as 

railroads, airport runways, canals, and dikes. The software’s powerful capabilities are well 
suited for complex jobs with intricate details and large data sets, and its unique fragment 

technology makes it completely customizable to any level of detail. CAiCE Visual Roads is 
easy to use and provides robust engineering and modeling capabilities for every phase of 

the design process. 

1.2 Who uses CAiCE Visual Roads? 

Civil engineers with consulting firms, county and municipal agencies, and departments of 

transportation use CAiCE Visual Roads for transportation projects of every type, including 
simple roads, complex highways and interchanges, rehabilitation and widening, and 

subdivision and site development.  
Many state departments of transportation (DOT) currently use CAiCE Visual Roads software, 

including Caltrans, Wisconsin DOT, Georgia DOT, and Washington DOT. 

1.3 Why should I buy CAiCE Visual Roads? 

CAiCE Visual Roads eliminates the need to use templates or criteria files for creating typical 
sections. CAiCE Visual Roads unique fragments technology provides an easy way to design a 
roadway by plugging in ready-made components such as raised or depressed medians, 

travel lanes, shoulders, ditches, catch slopes, berms, and benches. This design modeling 
approach saves time and simplifies roadway design. It also provides interactive, component-

based modeling for easy adaptation to changes in conditions. 
Using CAiCE Visual Roads software’s customization tools, you can adjust the software to fit 

your workflow requirements and ensure that field standards are being met. CAiCE Visual 
Roads helps your engineers work faster and smarter. 

1.4 Is CAiCE Visual Roads a stand-alone product? 

Yes, CAiCE Visual Roads is a stand-alone system and does not require any other application 
to operate. It provides general-purpose automation tools that you can use for all 

transportation design projects.  
CAiCE Visual Roads can also run with the Visual CADLinks application, which eliminates the 

need for import/export translators. Visual CADLinks runs CAiCE Visual Roads and your CAD 
system simultaneously, linking the systems together. While you have a DWG or DGN file 

open in your CAD program, CAiCE also has access to its own project database. You can use 
simple toolbar functions to control whether to produce CAiCE graphics in the CAD window, 

the CAiCE window, or both simultaneously. You can collapse the CAiCE application window 
to show only menus and toolbars, leaving all the graphics to the CAD system, or you can 

Questions and Answers 

