11.2 Administration Menu
To get to the Administrative menu, do as follows.
1. Press the Home button
2. Select the Settings icons
3. Select the Administration icon
4. Type the Administration password made during the startup wizard.
The RP administration menu has installation selections that should be considered for each
11.2.1 DCU Connection / Connections
In the DCU Connection menu, press the Search button. The panel will list all available DCU
engine panels on the network.
For the RP 210E, select an engine and press the Ok button.
For the RP 220E, select up two engines and press the Ok button.
For the RP 410E, select up to eight engines and press the Ok button.
For RP 220E and RP 410E, toggle the ignore check box on or off to assign a
desired set of connected DCUs.
Ignoring a DCU makes it completely invisible to an operator on the RP.
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