Ultrasonic sensor
Measure the distance between aircraft and ground.
Flight Mode
According to GPS availability and flight conditions, Dragonfish Lite can automatically switch
between two flight modes.
Flight Mode
Flight Mode
Automatic flight
The ground station is switched to gear A, and the aircraft performs a fully
autonomous task flight without remote control.
Manual flight
The ground station is switched to gear M, the user can manually remotely
control the flight, and the aircraft is located by GPS.
2.1.6 Intelligent flight features
Intelligent tracking
Intelligent tracking uses deep learning algorithms to automatically track selected target.
Pointed flight
Select a target point in the camera interface frame, then Dragonfish Lite can fly to the target point
at a speed and height.
Terrain following
The route generated by the system can be automatically adjusted according to the elevation
fluctuations of the terrain, ensuring that the altitude difference between the route and the ground is
always at or above the set safe distance.
Auto return
The return function is enabled only when there is good GPS signal. To enable the auto return
function manually, press and hold the return button (Go Home) (
) on the remote controller for
3s. The aircraft will turn towards the return point and return according to the current setting.
The fail-safe function is to help Dragonfish Lite to return automatically or land at its current
position when necessary. The fail-safe will be activated in the following situations:
Communication outage
If the communication between the aircraft and the remote controller is interrupted, the fail-safe
function will be activated.
If there is available GPS signal when the fail-safe function is activated, the aircraft will enable the
auto return function. Otherwise the aircraft will land on the spot. After communication is
restorated, you can resume the control on the aircraft.
Low battery of aircraft