Operating manual Clou Compact 2.0
14 | Cleaning
14.1 Cleaning the stove, flue gas ducts and flue pipe
The stove, the flue gas ducts and flues should be annually - possible even more often, e.g.
• after the chimney has been cleaned
• checked for deposits
• cleaned as necessary.
The chimney must likewise be regularly cleaned by the chimney sweeper. Your master chimney
sweep will inform you of the necessary intervals. The stove should be inspected annually by a special-
14.2 Emptying the ash box
• On a regular basis and in good time (at least 1 x per week) remove the ashes from the firebox and
empty the ash box.
If the firebox is not regularly cleaned of ash then there is a danger that the combustion air
openings become blocked and the appliance suffers damage.
To empty the ash box, proceed as follows:
Be aware when emptying the ash box that there might be embers in the ash box. Only remove the ash
box when the stove is in the cold state.
Fig. 49:
Raising the grate
1) Open door.
2) Raise the grate with the attached hook.