KVM over IP Module
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2. Introduction
2.1 System requirement
Local host side
One PC or Server or the console port of KVM switch unit
Remote Console side
One PC or Multiple PCs are linked into the network
Local host side
No additional software necessary
Remote Console side
(1) Java Runtime Environment : version 1.4.2 or above
(2) Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or above or
Netscape or Mozilla or Safari
3. Connecting to the server
3.1 When the server is up and running
The IP-KVM switch gives you a full control over the remote server. The Management
Console allows you to access the remote server’s graphics, keyboard and mouse and to
send special commands to the server. You can also perform periodic maintenance of the
server. Using the Console Redirection Service, you are able to do the following:
Reboot the system
II. Watch the boot process.
III. Boot the system from a separate partition to load the diagnostic environment.
IV. Run special diagnostic programs.
3.2 When the server is dead
Obviously, fixing hardware defects is not possible through a remote management device.
Nevertheless IP-KVM switch gives the administrator valuable information about the type of
a hardware failure. Serious hardware failures can be categorized into five different
categories with different chances to happen:
Hard disk failure 50%
II. Power cable detached, power supply failure 28%
III. CPU, Controller, main board failure 10%
IV. CPU fan failure 8%
V. RAM failure 4%