If the Hotplate does not function check the
following points before calling for service.
The power is switched “on”, both on the
unit and at any other point that supplies
power to the machine (e.g. an isolating
switch on the wall).
The mains power is not faulty.
The temperature has been set correctly and
the thermal cut-out has not tripped. Refer to
the “Thermal Cut-Out” section previous for
more information on this control.
The thermostat knobs are not loose or
broken, rendering the thermostats
The circuit breakers located inside the lower
section of the unit are all in the “on”
position”. These are located behind a cover
Typical issues that can be easily identified can
be listed below:
1.1 Symptom – All power shut off
1.2 Check – Is air still flowing through the grease
box guide?
1.3 Probable Cause – (If Yes) – Overtemp has
cut out. Let machine cool for 30 minutes before
switching back on. (If no) – Possible failure of
primary fan or ON/OFF switch
2.1 Symptom – Plate takes too long to
2.2 Check – All circuit breakers are in the “ON’
2.3 Probable Cause – If tripped, there could be
possible element failure. Reset circuit breakers
and operate as normal. Call for service if they
trip again.
3.1 Symptom – Grinding noise coming from
inside the unit
3.2 Check – Does it sound like a fan turning but
being noisy?
3.3 Probable Cause – Internal fan bearing may
be failing. Call for servicing before the fan fails,
as such a failure will cause the machine to
overheat and shut down.
These units are fitted with an internal safety
thermostat designed to cut power if the internal
temperatures reach a point where other
components may be damaged. There are a
number of possible situations that may cause
the safety thermostat to cut out, such as a
thermostat failure or the failure of an internal
fan. You may follow the procedure below as a
first step to rectifying the problem.
Switch the Hotplate OFF using the main
On/Off switch and allow it to cool for
approximately 30 minutes.
Switch the unit back on – operation can
now continue as normal.
Repeat steps 1 and 2.
If the unit again trips out it may be the
result of a failure in an internal fan -
phone for service.
If the Hotplate continues to perform without any
further tripping of the thermal cut-out after step
3, then there is a strong possibility that the
thermostat in use at the time is faulty, or that
one of the internal cooling fans is no longer
functioning. This should be attended to by
qualified electrical personnel.
If the machines have tripped the thermal cut-out
two or three times switch the unit off and refrain
from further use until the unit has been repaired.
Continuing to use the machine may cause
premature failure of other components if
repeatedly exposed to over-temperature