Order number
The product can be identified using this number and the technical data as well as
order-related data pertaining to the device can be requested.
Please always state this number for any product inquiries.
On the Internet at http://www.auma.com > Service & Support >myAUMA, we offer
a service allowing authorised users to download order-related documents such as
wiring diagrams and technical data (both in German and English), inspection certificate
and the operation instructions when entering the order number.
Actuator serial number
Table 4:
Description of serial number (example of 0520MD12345)
Positions 1+2: Assembly in week = week 05
Positions 3+4: Year of manufacture = 2020
Internal number for unambiguous product identification
Actuator terminal plan
Position 9 following TPA: Position transmitter version
0 = Without position transmitter
A, B, J, K, L, N, R, T = Potentiometer
C, D, E, G, H, M, P, S, U = Electronic position transmitter
AUMA power class for
The switchgear used in the actuator controls (reversing contactors/thyristors) are
classified according to AUMA power classes (e.g. A1, B1, ....). The power class
defines the max. permissible rated power (of the motor) the switchgear has been
designed for. The rated power (nominal power) of the actuator motor is indicated in
kW on the motor name plate. For the assignment of the AUMA power classes to the
nominal power of the motor types, refer to the separate electrical data sheets.
For switchgear without assignment to any power classes, the actuator controls name
plate does not indicate the power class but the max. rated power in kW.
Table 5:
Control examples (indications on actuator controls name plate)
Input signal
Control vie Modbus RTU interface
Modbus RTU
Control via Modbus RTU interface and control voltage for OPEN-CLOSE
control via digital inputs (OPEN, STOP, CLOSE)
Modbus RTU/24 V DC
Data Matrix code
When registered as authorised user, you may use our AUMA Assistant App to scan
the Data Matrix code and directly access the order-related product documents without
having to enter order number or serial number.
Figure 9: Link to AUMA Assistant App:
For further Service & Support, Software/Apps/... refer to www.auma.com
SAEx 07.2 – SAEx 16.2/SAREx 07.2 – SAREx 16.2 Control unit - electromechanical
ACExC 01.2 Intrusive Modbus RTU
Name plate