Aukey CC-T8 User Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for CC-T8

Page 1: ...AUKEY User Manuai DuaI JSB Porf Ca Charger wi h QuaIcomm Quick ChargeTl1 3 O TechnoIogy ...

Page 2: ...Contents ...

Page 3: ...M deI 2ル InpuI USBOu pu ll2 QuickCha ge3 0 了o iPowe r Weigh 3vr B繝3 咤 ...

Page 4: ...Ck Cho ge20 dapIobie QuICk Cha ge 3 0 offers a mcw e grclnUiar ronge of vo ages 20CmV nCremenIs from 3 6V Io 20V thal enoble QuICk Cha ge 3 0 compatlbie device o arge one of dozens of sui ble vol ages cw a aii ed Ch 9e UhIYe鴫oi QuICk Cha 9e 3 O IS bockword COmPalIble wi h p eviOUS ge e 0 OnS Of Qu Ck Chorge and all USB COmeC lOn YPeS f om A o C ce州h9 5 のIed lnse he CC T8 1nlo vehlCle s clga ette l...

Page 5: ...J 購comm com Can I uIe Me CC 8 QuIck Chorge 3 O porl事WlM devIceI lhol do nol UPPOh QuIck Cha ge Yes QuICk Charge 3 0 suppohs mul l VOItage ou pu You can use he CC T8 o ha ge anY SB powered deYICe bu cha glng SPeeds wl be llml ed by onglnai devICe manUfoc urels speclftca lOnS ex YOU Can Cha ge n iPhone bu camo QuICk Charge a Phone Cou鯖on Keep away from liqUid and extreme hea O lS nCm調l Ih〇川Ie CC T8 ...

Page 6: ...e YOU Amazon orde numbe Clnd p Oduc model n mber ma霊On uS order SUPPOrf us aukey com mozon Eu orden SUPPO巾eu oukey com Amozon CA ordeぱSUPPOrl ccl aukey com please n Ie AUKEY can o 可y p ovlde affe sale sen tCe fcr producIs pu Chased droctty from 小幡Y If YOU h Ve pu chosed frorn o diffe enl selkar Ple so COnlcICI Ihem dw eC ly to ServlCe OI W m nIY rsSUeS ...

Page 7: ...of Quoicomm Tech OIogieSJnc Qucllcomm S tr dema k of Qucl comm lncorpo a ed eglS e ed ln the UnlIed S crfes and o肌e COUn佃s oukck Ch 富9e lS O t 関bmark o Qua comm ncorpora ed Ali Qualcomm lnco Puted tredemc ks ore usod w肌perr悩iOn くく書 恕勝掃寧 ...

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