PC5740 User’s Manual
You can allow the software to check automatically for updates, daily, weekly
(default), or monthly. It only checks when the application is running and when it
detects that you are connected and able to access to the Internet. If desired, you
can select “Manually” and the software will only check for updates when you select
“Update Now” (pictured above), or you when you select, from VZAccess Manager’s
main screen, “Help”, “Check for Updates”.
4.2 WWAN Specific Settings
WWAN Preferences
Click on “Tools”, then “Preferences. . .”.
WWAN Options
Show wireless device battery instead of PC battery:
If you only selected to detect and
install Wi-Fi when installing VZAccess Manager, VZAccess Manager will display the PC’s
battery status in it's main window. If you are using a WWAN device and this option is selected,
the battery level of your WWAN device will be displayed when your device is connected and
detected by VZAccess Manager, as well as when you connect and disconnect using your
WWAN device. Battery Status cannot be updated while you are connected. You can refresh
the status when you are not connected, by selecting “Tools”, “Refresh Signal Levels” from
VZAccess Manager's main window. Some phones fail to accurately report their battery level to
VZAccess Manager and some WWAN devices such as PC Cards do not use batteries, so you
can use this option to display the PC's battery instead.