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Summary of Contents for MP3128 - 128 MB Digital Player

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Page 2: ...Digital Audio Player 128 6648...

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Page 4: ...User s Guide MP3128...

Page 5: ...layback StopFunction 8 Adjusting theVolume 10 ScanningThroughaMusicFile 11 Tosearchforadesiredmusictrackduringplayback 12 MenuMode 14 RepeatTrackMode 15 SettingtheEqualizer EQ 16 SettingtheHoldFunctio...

Page 6: ...erInstallation 26 HowtouseGrooveSoftware 27 Transferringafileto theMP3128 28 TransferringafiletothePC 29 Deletingafile 30 Changingafilename 31 FormattingtheMP3128 32 Movingthelocationofafile 33 Settin...

Page 7: ...ControlsandIndicators 4 EarphoneJack LCDDisplay VolumeAdjustment button ConnectorforHolder PLAY STOP FF REWbutton Menu Mode Setupbutton BatteryCover USBcableport...

Page 8: ...28 5 InsertingtheBattery Pressandpullthebatterycoverdownward inthedirectionofthearrowtoopen Insert one AA battery observing polarity and push the battery cover upward in the direction of the arrow toc...

Page 9: ...LCDIndicatorsandIcons 6 RepeatIcon HOLDIcon BatteryCapacityIcon ElapsedPlayingTime Equalizer EQ Icon Current FileInformation TrackNumber...

Page 10: ...MP3128 7 MENULIST...

Page 11: ...layback InsertthebatteryandpressthePLAY STOPbutton the Audiovox logoandmemoryinformationwillbedisplayedontheLCDscreen Thefirsttrackwillbeplayedautomatically CurrentFileInformation Title_SingerInformat...

Page 12: ...MP3128 9 Tostop Duringplayback pressthePLAY STOPbutton once Playbackwillbestopped Note IftheMP3128isinactivefor10secondsintheSTOPmode thepower willbeautomaticallyshutoff...

Page 13: ...ume Youcanadjustvolumefrom0to20 ToAdjustVolumeSlowly MomentarilyPressandReleasethefront panelbuttonsinthedirectiondesiredtoadjustthevolume1interval atatime 0 20 untilthedesiredvolumeisreached ToAdjust...

Page 14: ...elease theFF REWbutton downduringplayback Tosearchatrackduringplayback pressandHOLDtheFF REWbutton up to fast forward through the track Press and the HOLD FF REW button downtofastrewindthroughthetrack...

Page 15: ...andreleaseupwardtheFF REWbutton until thedeiredmusictrack isreached Tosearchforadesiredmusictrackinadownwardlydirection Momentarilypressandreleasedownward theFF REWbutton until thedesiredmusictrackisr...

Page 16: ...stopmode MomentarilypressandreleasethePLAY STOPbutton tostoptheplayback ofamusictrack PresstheFF REWbutton uptoskipaheadonetrackatatime PresstheFF REWbutton downtoskiptotheprevioustrackatatime Momenta...

Page 17: the PLAY STOP button to select Use the FF REW button to move to other options PresstheMODEbuttonagaintoexittheMENUmode PlayMode Settingtherepeatplayback Initialsetting Normal Equalizer SettingtheEq...

Page 18: ...LAY STOP button toselect Normal RepeatOne RepeatAll Shuffle Intro Normal Playbackonceinthetrackorderrecorded Theinitialsettingis Normal andthereisnoicondisplayinthismode RepeatOne Tolistentoonetrackon...

Page 19: ...ngtheEqualizer EQ 16 Select 2 Equalizer intheMENUmode MovetothedesiredtonebyusingtheFF REWbutton Therearefourcolortones Selectoneof four tonesbypressingthePLAY STOPbutton Tomovetotheuppermode select 5...

Page 20: ...ion Select 3 Hold intheMENUmode Afterselecting 1 Confirm bypressingtheFF REWbutton FinishthesettingbypressingthePLAY STOPbutton AllbuttonsaredisabledintheHOLDmode Exit theHOLDmodebypressingthePLAY STO...

Page 21: ...18 Select 4 Delete intheMENUmode Selectafiletobedeleted PressthePLAY STOPbutton todeletethefile AfterthefileisdeletedtheMP3128willswitchtotheFileListmenu ToexitfromtheDELETEmode select 5 Goup orpress...

Page 22: ...tingOptions Select 5 Setting intheMENUmode MovetothedesiredfunctionintheSETTINGmodebypressingtheFF REWbutton SelectthedesiredfunctionbypressingthePLAY STOPbutton 19 Contrast Seepage20 Backlight Seepag...

Page 23: ...ingOption 20 SettingtheLCDContrast Afterselecting 5 Setting intheMENUmode choose 1 Contrast SetthecontrastbypressingtheFF REWbutton CONTRAST CONTRAST 00 20 Youcanadjustthecontrastfrom0to20 Toexitpress...

Page 24: ...t SetthebacklightbypressingtheFF REWbutton Settings Availabe Never Nobacklight Youcansavebatterylife ifitissettonever 1Sec ON BacklightONfor1Second 3Sec ON BacklightONfor3Seconds 5Sec ON BacklightONfo...

Page 25: ...28 8SettingOptions 22 SettingScrollSpeed Afterselecting 5 Setting intheMENUmode choose 3 ScrollSpeed SetthescrollspeedbypressingtheFF REWbutton Youcanadjustthescrollspeedfrom0to10 ToexitpressthePLAY S...

Page 26: ...eSoftwareonaPersonalComputer PC InserttheGROOVECDsuppliedwiththeMP3128 intotheCD ROMdrive Clickthe Next buttonateveryconsecutivewindow Thefollowingfigurewillappear Pressthe Finish buttonandtheinstalla...

Page 27: ...stalledbeforeconnectingtothecomputer If NewHardwareaddwizard appears press CANCEL andinstallthe GROOVE page23 IftheUSBdriverdoesnotinstallautomatically referto InstallingtheUSBDriver page25 MinimumPCS...

Page 28: ...s2000 IfyouconnectthePCandtheMP3128 withtheUSBcablebeforesoftwareinstallation thedriverinstallationwindowwillbeappearautomatically InserttheInstallationCD andselectproperdrivename Installationiscomple...

Page 29: ...Driver isshownontheHardwareManagerWindow Ifitisshown thedriverinstallationwascompletedsuccessfully AUDIOVOX USB Driver willappearonlywhentheMP3128 isconnectedto thesuppliedUSBCableandpoweredup Whenthe...

Page 30: ...trictionsApply MP3128 27 HowtouseGROOVESoftware Refresh UploadtothePC FileList DownloadtotheMP3128 Delete Rename Favorites Help GROOVEInfo MovetoHomepage Settingoptions OpentheTransferwindow Selectedf...

Page 31: ...TransferringafiletoMP3 31 12 28 8 28 1 Connect the MP3128 to the PC 2 Run GROOVE Software 3 Select File Download to Device or Download icon on the Menu Bar 4 Select the desired file to be transferred...

Page 32: ...ngafiletothePC 1 ConnecttheMP3128 tothePCandrunGROOVE 2 Select thedesiredfiletobetransferred 3 Select File UploadtoPC or Upload iconontheMenubar Notice UploadingofCopyrightedMusicfiles MP3 MP2 isprohi...

Page 33: ...Deletingafile 30 1 ConnecttheMP3128 tothePCandrunGROOVE 2 Select thefileyouwanttodesiredtodelete 3 Select FIle Delete or Delete iconontheMenuBar 4 Awindowwillappeartoconfirmthefiledeletion select YES...

Page 34: ...MP3128 31 Changingafilename 1 ConnecttheMP3128 tothePCandrunGROOVE 2 Select thefileyouwishtorename 3 Select File Rename or Rename iconontheMenuBar 4 PressOKtofinish...

Page 35: ...ingtheMP3128 32 1 ConnecttheMP3128 tothePCandrunGROOVE 2 Select File Format ontheMenuBar or Format icon 3 Awindowwillappeartoconfirmtheformatting select YES Note Formatting will delete all files from...

Page 36: ...MP3128 33 Movingthelocationofafile 1 ConnecttheMP3128 tothePCandrunGROOVE 2 Selecta Favorites icon 3 Select thefileyouwishtomove 4 Draganddroptheselectedfiletothedesiredlocation...

Page 37: ...Settingoptions 34 Select Tools Option onthemenubaror Option icon Viewing download status Settinga Favorites folder...

Page 38: ...t If theunitiswetwithwater removebatteriesandquicklywipewithadrycloth andletsitfor4 5hours Contactaservicecenterifunitmalfunctions Keeptheunitawayfromplaceswithexcessivemoisture magnetismorheat Donotc...

Page 39: ...dn tworkevenwhenthebuttonsarepressed CheckiftheHOLDbuttonisOff NomusicevenwhenpressingthePLAYbuttonintheMP3mode Checkif MP3filesarestoredintheInternalMemory CannotdownloadtheMP3file Checkifthedriveris...

Page 40: ...MP3128 37 TheMP3128 automaticallyturnsOff Ifthereisnoinputfor10seconds intheSTOPmode Checkifthereareanymusicfilesstored Iwanttoinstallmorememory Unitcannotbeupgraded...

Page 41: ...KALINE1EA Lastsapproximately18hours SIZE WXDXH 1 6 X 86 X2 8 42X22X70mm CASE Plastic FILETRANSFERSPEED MAX 2 4Mbps S NRATIO 85dBwith20kHzFilter EARPHONEOUTPUT 6mW 16 OUTPUTFREQUENCYRANGE 20Hz 20KHz OP...

Page 42: ...n approved warranty station For the location of the nearest warranty station to you call toll free to our control office 1 800 290 6650 This Warranty does not extend to the elimination of externally g...

Page 43: ...REACH OF THIS OR ANY OTHER WARRAN TY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WHATSOEVER No person or representative is authorized to assume for the Company any liability other than expressed herein in connection with the...

Page 44: ...MP3128 Memo...
