Page 1: ...ATC54BB on optiono p ug in iour ione generolor mocju e The ATC54BB connecls to a 7 pin receptoce inside ihe omplifier ond provides Be Pre onnounce Chime Alerl tone AS2220 1 ond Evqcuoie Tone AS2220 1 Any of these lones con be oclivofed from o slmple conlocl closure whlch moy be wlred io ihe spore lermino s on the reor of ihe omp ifier Muting W COMMUNICAI slo ed signql on inpul I wil oLrlomotico iy...
Page 2: ...inq module TX30l0 IC30 EUDIOTIiljll o TNEBLE l2VDC t il l l l ilj lc 4llc 70 o o o o o o o o olololo o o ooo Architectural and Engineering Specifications The mixer qmplilier shol hove three universol inpuh eoch comprislng of o bo onced rnicrophone wilh XLR femo e sockels ond o xiliory inpui using sing e Phono RCA sockels The ompLifier masler seciion sholl inc ude three chonnel eve controls lwo EQ ...