Page 1: ...l of o moins power fol ure ond when ihe omplilier is connecled 1o o 24v DC power supply Protection The DC M250 ieolures over ood q nd overdrive proieclio n S hoLrld the q mpllfier be overdr ven o c Ltrre nl lr liier wl I prolecl lhe Lrnii ond in Q woTsl cose scenorlo the omplifier wil shui down unli lhe prob ern is reso ved Once lhe prob em is iixed shorled speoker line oI overdriven input the omp...
Page 2: ... l Tpti r UU wolls lmo mrrml DCMSERTES Audlolelex communlcollont Pty tld Syclneylo2 964ll4ll Mebounelo3 98t0747t Brjbone 107 3a52 t312 perth 08 9228 a 22 Architectural and Engineering Specifications The power omplifier sholl be of high quqlity suitob e for the mosl demqnding PA instololions ond opplicotions The unil shol hove o frequency response of no less thon 50Hz l5kHz 3dB Disioriion ot lkHz s...