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Focus SA-5 - Recommended speaker 

“The supertweeter is used to give the treable a wider frequency range, and it 
reaches far beyond the human ears hearing. The Bass refl ex opening is extra 
long to give the bass a better range and it works very well.”

“You can’t count on very deep bass, but on Steely Dans ’Godwhacker’, the bass 
is heard clearly in the sound image and the small bass elements surprises with 
fat bass and with dynamic contol. This is especially noticable on voices and 

“The only negative side is that soprano voices can sound slightly thin, this is 
also heard in the highest octave of the piano, but the fi ne resolution of the treble 
catches in on this by delivering more room information than we ever heard before 
from at speaker in this price range.”

Total: 9 out of 10 

SWEDEN: Bild & ljud hemma, no 2, 2004

Verdict: Test winner

“Compact fl oorstanders with an especially airy and fi ne tweeter which 
makes them brilliant for music reproduction.”
