MC-6011 Keypad
MC-6011 Keypad
MC-6011 Keypad
MC-6011 Keypad
MC-6011 Keypad
Operation & Setup Instructions
Operation & Setup Instructions
Operation & Setup Instructions
Operation & Setup Instructions
Operation & Setup Instructions
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Once you press the > button while IR LEARNER is displayed, the display will change to read IRL AD-
DRESS1. Using the >> and << buttons, you can advance through the additional IRL-5000 addresses but
bear in mind, IRL-5000 ADDRESS 1 is most typically used. If you have more than one IRL-5000 in your
system (you can have up to nine), then one would be set to address 1 and the second to address 2. Use
the || button to return to the previous level.
While the display reads IRL ADDRESS1, pressing the > button will take you to the next level where the
display will read IRL 1 OUT 1 and then switch to IN SOURCE 1. To change to a different input source
label, use the Up or Dn buttons. To advance to other IRL-5000 ports, use the >> or << buttons. Each time
you change either the source input label or the IRL-5000 port, the display will cycle showing the current
link. To lock this link, press the Sel button. The display will confirm IRL OK and return to the displaying the
current link.
To link source input labels to the Tune Suite, CD servers, or low voltage relay switching device (LVI-3800)
press the || button until the display reads IR LEARNER. If you passed IR LEARNER ending up on
SOURCE CONTROL, press the > button to reenter.
ADA Tuner
To advance to the ADA Tuner, use the >> or << buttons. When the display reads ADA TUNER. Press the
> button to enter this option. The display will read TUNER ADRS 1. Using the >> or << buttons, you can
scroll to the address of the Tuner (this is not the module output number). Typically, Address 1 is the
default address used and should not be changed. If you have a Tune Suite loaded with four modules, the
first three are set under Address 1 (modules 1-3) and the fourth module is set under address 2 (module 1).
Note that this address setting is not directly tied to the Tune Suite’s rotary dip switch address selector as
the Tune Suite’s 16 settings have different options assigned to them.
Unless you changed the address, when the display reads TUNER ADRS1, press the > button. The
display will switch between TUNER `- OUT1 and IN SOURCE 1. To select a different source input label,
press the Up or Dn button and the display will advance to the next IN SOURCE #. To select a different
tuner module number, use the >> or << buttons. When the appropriate link is displayed, press the Sel
button to lock in this link. The keypad will respond TUNER OK, indicating that the source input label will
now track this tuner module.
To exit the Tuner setup and proceed to Special CD or LVI-3800 links, press the || until the display reads
ADA TUNER. To exit completely, press the || again.
Special CD
To engage a special CD setting, you must first be certain that you have a component that specifically
operates on ADA Special CD commands. ADA’s Aquarius Hard Drive Servers are such a device and have
been embedded with the Special CD command sets. ADA also provides the MSC-1 Music Server Con-
troller for interfacing with AudioRequest. Other server providers are integrating their products with the
ADA Special CD command set. Check with ADA or your CD Server provider to verify that the product you
are using will work bi-directionally with ADA.
To navigate to this setting, make certain you are in the SOURCE CNTRL level and using the >> or <<
buttons, advance until the display reads SPECIAL CD. Then press > button. The display will read SPE-
CIAL CD 1 and IN SOURCE 1. To select a different source input label, press the Up or Dn button and the
display will advance to the next IN SOURCE #. To select a different Special CD Address (there are eight),
use the >> or << buttons. When the appropriate link is displayed, press the Sel button to lock in this link.
The keypad will respond CD OK, indicating that the source input label will now track this Special CD