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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
– Check anti-roll bar bush -1- for damage.
Drive shaft:
Only applies to vehicles with four-wheel drive.
– Check drive shaft boots -1- all around for damage and make
sure they are seated correctly.
– Repeat checks for components on opposite side of vehicle.
– If faults are found on any of the above components: Renew
relevant component.
Engine, gearbox, final drive and steer‐
ing: checking for leaks and damage
Risk of fatal injury if high-voltage components are damaged.
♦ Observe warnings for high-voltage system:
♦ For work in the vicinity of high-voltage components
– Check engine and engine ancillaries from below for leaks and
– Check radiator and cooling circuit for leaks and damage.
– Check refrigerant circuit for damage (check air conditioner
compressor, condenser and refrigerant lines including con‐
– Check gearbox, final drive and steering for leaks and damage.
– If faults are found: repair or renew relevant component.
Underbody: checking trim, wheel hous‐
ing liners, side members and pipes/wir‐
ing for damage, and checking that they
are properly secured
– Check all underbody trim panels and wheel housing liners for
tears and cracks.
Audi A8 2010 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 11.2014
3. Maintenance