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Pistons and conrods
Oil spray jet for piston cooling
Pistons and conrods - exploded view
1 - Conrod bolt, 50 Nm + turn
90° further
❑ Renew
❑ Use old bolts when
measuring radial clear‐
❑ Lubricate threads and
contact surface
2 - Conrod bearing cap
❑ Do not interchange
❑ Mark cylinder allocation
in colour
❑ Installation position of
conrod pairs
3 - Bearing shells
❑ Ensure that retaining
lugs are securely seat‐
❑ Renew used bearing
❑ There are oversized
bearings available for
machined crankshaft
conrod journals ⇒ Elec‐
tronic parts catalogue
4 - Conrod
❑ Only renew as a com‐
plete set
❑ Mark cylinder allocation
in colour
❑ Installation position of
conrod pairs
❑ Axial clearance for each conrod pair (when new): 0.20 … 0.38 mm
❑ Measuring radial clearance
5 - Piston pin
❑ If difficult to move, heat piston to approx. 60 °C
❑ Remove and install using drift - VW 222 A-
6 - Circlip
❑ Renew
7 - Piston
❑ Installation position for piston
❑ Piston and cylinder dimensions, piston allocation for cylinder bore
❑ Checking
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
4. Pistons and conrods