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Air Guide In Evaporator Housing
(In Heater Air Guide Channel)
1 - Complete Evaporator
❑ Air guide channel on ve‐
hicles without A/C (with
heating only).
2 - Back Pressure/Fresh Air
❑ Shown in “open“ posi‐
❑ Air conditioners (heat‐
ers) whose back pres‐
sure/fresh air door is
operated by the Air Flow
door Motor -V71- and
whose recirculation
door is operated by the
Recirculation door Mo‐
tor -V113- are installed.
3 - Recirculated Air Door
❑ Shown in “closed“ posi‐
❑ Air conditioners (heat‐
ers) whose back pres‐
sure/fresh air door is
operated by the Air Flow
door Motor -V71- and
whose recirculation
door is operated by the
Recirculation door Mo‐
tor -V113- are installed.
4 - Fresh Air Blower -V2-
❑ With Fresh Air Blower
Control Module -J126- .
5 - Dust and Pollen Filter
❑ Follow the replacement
intervals. Refer to Main‐
tenance Intervals; Rep. Gr. 03.
❑ There are different versions of the dust and pollen filter (with and without an activated charcoal insert).
Refer to the Electronic Parts Catalog (ETKA). An Audi TT with A/C has a dust and pollen filter with an
activated charcoal insert is installed. An Audi TT without A/C has a dust and pollen filter without the
activated charcoal insert.
6 - Evaporator
❑ In vehicles without A/C system (with heater only), a foam core piece is installed for noise insulation
instead of evaporator.
7 - Lower Section Of Evaporator Housing (With Installed Components)
❑ Air guide channel lower section, vehicles without A/C (with heating only).
8 - Air Outlet To Air Distribution Housing
9 - Air Distribution Housing
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
Rep. Gr.87 - Air Conditioning