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Fresh Air Blower Control Module -J126-
Fresh Air Blower Control Module can be replaced separately
only on the version on which the two components are no longer
cast with each other (running change in production in model
year 2007). Refer to the Electronic Parts Catalog.
The fresh air blower control module replacement part is avail‐
able in different versions. Be sure to use the right one. Refer
to the Electronic Parts Catalog.
With ignition switched on and Fresh Air Blower -V2- actuated,
fresh air blower control module connects “Positive“ from ter‐
minal 4 of connector -C- to terminal 1 of connector -B-. Fresh
Air Blower speed is regulated by fresh air blower control mod‐
ule via the ground connection between terminal 2 connector
-B- and terminal 3 of connector -C-. Check using Vehicle di‐
agnosis, testing and information system -VAS5051B- in the
"Guided Fault Finding" function and ⇒ Wiring diagrams, Trou‐
bleshooting & Component locations.
– Remove the glove compartment. Refer to ⇒ Body Interior;
Rep. Gr. 68 ; Removal and Installation .
– Remove screw clips -A- and remove insulating mat -B-.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
Rep. Gr.87 - Air Conditioning