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– Make sure the grommet -C- fits correctly inside the rear panel
of the plenum chamber.
– Seal flange for coolant pipes to heater core -A- and for expan‐
sion valve (to evaporator) -B- at pass-through of grommet
-C- with silicon adhesive sealant if necessary (to prevent water
from penetrating).
– Evacuate and re-charge refrigerant circuit. Refer to ⇒ Refrig‐
erant R134a Servicing; Rep. Gr. 00 ; Description and Opera‐
tion (A/C Service Station).
– Reinstall driver side storage compartment and remaining re‐
moved components.
– Check Climatronic control module -J255- DTC memory and
erase any possible displayed malfunctions using Vehicle di‐
agnosis, testing and information system -VAS5051B- under
"Guided Fault Finding".
– Perform a basic setting and output diagnostic test on the A/C
(heater) and check the DTC memory one more time. Refer to
Vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system -
VAS5051B- under "Guided Fault Finding".
– Operate the A/C system after filling the refrigerant circuit. Re‐
fer to
⇒ “1.4 A/C System, Operating After Filling Refrigerant Circuit“,
Note the information regarding operating the A/C system after
filling. Refer to⇒ Refrigerant R134a Servicing; Rep. Gr. 00 ; De‐
scription and Operation (A/C Service Station).
– If necessary, check A/C (heater) system function, for example,
via “Output diagnostic test mode“ function (allocation test of
electrical component function) using Vehicle diagnosis, testing
and information system -VAS5051B- under "Guided Fault
Air Intake Grille
– Remove the cover -B-. Refer to
⇒ “5.12 Fresh Air Intake Cover“, page 142
– Remove nuts -C- (tightening torque 3.5 Nm).
– Remove the air intake grille -D-.
Installation is done is reverse order, observe the following:
Make sure the seal on the bottom of the air intake grille is not
damaged. If it is, replace it. This seal prevents water from
flowing through beneath the intake grille into heating & A/C
unit intake housing.
Make sure the air intake grille -D- is properly seated, water
may flow into intake housing of A/C unit if cover grille is not
installed correctly.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
Rep. Gr.87 - Air Conditioning