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A/C Components Inside Passenger Compartment, Left Side
1 - Left Front Seat Tempera‐
ture Sensor -G344- and Left
Front Heated Seat -Z45-
❑ Seat heater is not instal‐
led in all vehicles (op‐
tional equipment).
❑ When the seat heater is
activated, is displayed in
the Climatronic control
module -J255- meas‐
ured values block. Refer
to Vehicle diagnosis,
testing and information
system -VAS5051B- in
the "Guided Fault Find‐
ing" function.
❑ Seat heating, servicing,
refer to ⇒ Body Interior;
Rep. Gr. 74 ; Removal
and Installation .
2 - Diagnostic Connection
❑ Perform On Board Diag‐
nostic (OBD) on heating
system using Vehicle di‐
agnosis, testing and in‐
formation system -
VAS5051B- in the "Gui‐
ded Fault Finding" func‐
3 - Defroster Vent/Left Side
❑ Removing and instal‐
ling, refer to⇒ Body In‐
terior; Rep. Gr. 70 ;
Removal and Installa‐
tion (Instrument Panel).
4 - Instrument Panel Vent, Left
❑ Removing and installing instrument panel vents, refer to
⇒ “5.16 Instrument Panel Vents“, page 152
⇒ Body Interior; Rep. Gr. 70 ; Removal and Installation (Instrument Panel).
5 - Instrument Cluster Control Module -J285-
❑ With the outside air temperature display -G106- .
❑ The Instrument Cluster Control Module -J285- evaluates the measured value of the Outside Air Tem‐
perature Sensor -G17- and then transmits it via the Comfort databus system to the Climatronic control
module -J255- . Check using Vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system -VAS5051B- in the "Gui‐
ded Fault Finding" function.
6 - Outside Air Temperature Display -G106-
❑ The Outside Air Temperature Display is a component of the Instrument Cluster Control Module -J285- .
❑ Measured value of Outside Air Temperature Sensor -G17- is evaluated by Instrument Cluster Control
Module -J285- and transmitted via Comfort CAN-Bus system to the Climatronic control module -J255- .
Check using Vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system -VAS5051B- in the "Guided Fault Finding"
❑ If temperature display is incorrect, check temperature sensor measured value using Vehicle diagnosis,
testing and information system -VAS5051B- in the "Guided Fault Finding" function.
7 - Left Center Instrument Panel Vent
❑ Removing and installing instrument panel vents, refer to
⇒ “5.16 Instrument Panel Vents“, page 152
⇒ Body Interior; Rep. Gr. 70 ; Removal and Installation .
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
Rep. Gr.80 - Heating, Ventilation