MDU Solutions
– UCrypt
Monitoring Server - Operation Manual
6 .17 .7 Next Steps
1. Note if the loss of lock occurs during maintenance windows indicating external cause.
2. A single loss on a Tuning Adapter occurring rarely may be considered normal.
3. Recurring losses of lock over time on a specific tuner may indicate a hardware problem.
6 .18 UCrypt Power Supply Failure
6 .18 .1 Refers to
Failure of one of the two redundant power supply modules .
This failure could be caused also by the lack of AC input to
one power supply if they are fed from redundant power sources.
6 .18 .2 Repetition of Alert
This alert is sent only once, when detected.
6 .18 .3 Customer Symptoms
Customer experiences no change to normal operation.
6 .18 .4 Urgency
Low - High.
6 .18 .5 Cases Where Alert is Likely a Result of:
Outside influence or normal operation
This alert may be caused by the lack of AC input to the affected power supply if the AC feeds are setup with redundancy, but
cannot be caused by any normal operation of the equipment.
An Internal Issue
This alert may be triggered by the failure of an internal power supply. A site visit is required to resolve the cause.
6 .18 .6 Probable Causes
1. Internal redundant power supply failure.
2. No AC power in supply circuit.
3. AC power cord for power supply has been removed or unplugged.
6 .18 .7 Next Steps
1. Check AC power cord to power supplies.
2. Check for presence of AC power at supply receptacle.
3. Exchange failed power supply module.
6 .19 UCrypt Plant Maintenance Exception
6 .19 .1 Refers to
The scheduled check of programs that are either missing or are not decrypting .
On the System page under the ‘Power’
section, the device may be configured to do a “Scheduled Outage Check”. If this feature has been configured, then this alert
refers to a missing or improperly decrypted program.
6 .19 .2 Repetition of Alert
This alert is sent every time that a program is detected to be missing or not properly decrypted when tested according to the
defined schedule.
6 .19 .3 Customer Symptoms
Customer will be aware of the missing or improperly decrypted program that is being reported and the intention is to restore
this program through the scheduled maintenance reboot process.
6 .19 .4 Urgency
Low - High.