Update Mobile Hotspot Software
You can check for new software updates through the Online WebUI Manager.
1. Select System > Software Update.
2. Click Check for Updates.
3. Wait a moment as the device searches for updates.
4. If there is an update, you will be prompted to activate the update on the Online
WebUI Manager.
Note: The battery life must be over 30% to proceed with the software update.
Perform a Factory Reset
You can restore your mobile hotspot to default factory settings. It will reset all of the
custom settings saved.
1. Select System > Factory Reset.
2. Click Reset.
3. Click Confirm.
4. Wait a moment as the device is restored to the default settings.
5. You will need to re-connect to the device with its default Wi-Fi login credentials
shown on the display.
You can also manually perform a factory reset by
inserting a paperclip (or a long, narrow object) into
the reset pinhole located on the bottom of device
and holding for 6 seconds.
Note: The Online WebUI Manager admin password
will be restored to its default after a factory reset.
The default password is the last
8 digits
of the
that can be found on the label under
the battery or on the Device Details screen.
Factory Reset Pinhole