Maximus Reference Manual
Why Use Biometrics?
Appendix A: Biometrics
The employee enrollment procedure is closely followed.
The sensor is maintained on a scheduled basis.
ATS Biometric Operational Options
Users may enroll on any terminal and templates can be stored on the scanning terminal or on
a host. Templates stored on a host may be distributed to other terminals.
ATS fingerscan readers and terminals provide the following special features:
Enroll Two Fingers - ATS terminals enable you to configure the fingerscan device
to require more than one fingerscan (e.g., index and middle finger).
Override Verification for Individuals - ATS terminals enable you to disable or set
special conditions for certain individuals (in
). For example, you
can configure the terminal so an amputee can identify/verify without a
fingerscan. Alternately, you can configure a user profile to accept any live
fingerscan from an individual. This may be necessary if the reader cannot obtain
a “good fingerscan” due to physiological issues.
Adjust False Acceptance Rate - ATS terminals enable you to set the threshold for
fingerscan matching accuracy.