Instruction
Manual
Ato1nic
Desktop
Alar111
Clock
Model
Nmnber:
About
the
Ato1nic
Clock
The
National
Institute
of
Standard
and
Technology
in
Fo1t
Collins,
Colorado
broadcasts
the
time
si
al
at
60kHz
radio
si
al)
gn
gn
,vith
an
acctu·acy
of
second
per
eve1y
3,000
years.
The
signal
will
able
to
cover
over
a
distance
up
to
2,000
miles
fron1
the
source.
Like
a
typical
radio,
your
Atomic
,vill
not
able
to
receive
the
si
gn
al
in
places
sun·ounded
by
heavy
concrete
or
metal
panels.
The
reception
of
the
tune
si
gn
al
is
also
greatly
affected
by
electi·ical
or
electi·onic
inte1fer
e11ce.
To
get
the
best
pe1fo1mance
of
the
Ato1nic
clock,
please
ii1stall
the
clock
nearer
to
a
,vindo,v
and
change
dii·ections
if
one
direction
does
not
,vork.
Battery
Installation
Turn
unit
over
1.
to
remove
batte1y
co1npa1tn1ent
cover.
Insert
"AA"
alkaline
batteries.
While
the
battery
co1npa1tme11t
cover
is
off
2.
press
the
button
for
seconds
to
activate
Daylight
Savings
Time.
The
icon
,vill
appear
on
the
display.
In
parts
of
Arizona
and
Indiana
where
Daylight
Savii1g
Time
is
not
applicable
do
not
tu1n
on.
Move
on
to
step
3.
To
choose
the
con·ect
Time
Zone
continue
to
press
and
release
the
3.
button
until
the
correct
ti1ne
zone
appears
on
the
display.
(P,
M,
C,
E)
Close
the
battery
co1npart111e11t
4.
cover.