Atmel AVR10004: RCB256RFR2 – Hardware User Manual [APPLICATION NOTE]
PCB layout description
This section discusses critical layout details, important for derived PCB designs. A derived design should carefully
consider the following details:
Establish a solid ground plane for the antenna. The PCB area has to be considered as a counterpart of the
antenna. The PCB interacts with the radiated electromagnetic wave
Isolate digital noise from the antenna and the RF and analog radio transceiver sections to ensure maximum
possible radio transceiver performance
Isolate digital noise from the reference crystal to ensure maximum possible transmit signal purity and receiver
performance, especially when operating in high data rate ISM modes
Reduce any kind of spurious emissions well below the limits set by the individual regulatory organizations
Layout details 1 to 9, as shown in
are described in the following sub-sections.