QTouch Schematic and Layout Checklist [APPLICATION NOTE]
Schematic Review
This chapter consists of the checklists used for reviewing the schematics of Atmel QTouch, QTouchADC and
QMatrix implementations. There are sections corresponding to each individual technology. Section
is applicable to all technologies.
2.1 Atmel QTouch
This section consists of the checklist for reviewing a QTouch schematic.
Connect SNSK to the sensor electrode
The sense electrode should be connected to the SNSK pin and not to the SNS pin. If the electrode is connected
incorrectly, in some cases it may appear to work. This can happen due to parasitic capacitances providing an
alternate path for charge transfer to occur. But the channel will have very poor sensitivity and will be very
sensitive to temperature and humidity. Therefore it is important to verify the connections before attempting to
improve sensitivity.
Figure 2-1.
Typical QTouch Circuit
Rs = 1kΩ to 10kΩ
The value of Rs should typically be within the range of 1kΩ to 10kΩ. If Rs is increased the value of Charge Cycle
Period will need to be increased appropriately to ensure complete charging of Cx.
Increase Rs in steps up to 100kΩ to improve performance in noisy environments. In extreme
cases higher values of Rs, going up to 1MΩ may be required