Chapter 13. Troubleshooting
13.1. The Armadillo Will Not Boot
• Please check that the green LED turns on after connecting power. If it does not turn on, please check that the power
supply is properly connected.
13.2. The Armadillo Cannot Be Found with Bonjour
• Please check that the LAN Link LED is on. If it is not on, please ensure that the LAN cable is inserted correctly.
• Please ensure that there is no router between the PC with Bonjour and the Armadillo. The Armadillo cannot be found
if a router exists between the two.
• If a firewall is active, please ensure that the port "UDP 5353" used by Bonjour is accessible.
13.3. The Screen Does Not Display After Changing the Network
• A change in the IP address, for example when changing from AUTO IP to a STATIC IP configuration, means that
the correct current IP address corresponding to the hostname also changes. However, depending on the WEB browser,
the cached old IP address may continue to be used and pages accessed via the hostname will not be displayed for a
certain period of time. If this occurs, please close and restart the WEB browser and then access the top page again.
Restarting the browser has been confirmed to alleviate the problem with In-
ternet Explorer Version 6.
• If the screen does not display even after carrying out the procedure described above, it may indicate that the Armadillo's
network connection is in an irregular state. As the changes to the network configuration have not yet been saved to
flash memory at this point, just reboot the Armadillo and then redo the network configuration.
Armadillo-440 LCD Model Development Set Startup Guide