Appendix 4 - FAQs
T his s ec tion pr ovides s olutions to pr oblems that may oc c ur dur ing ins tallation and
oper ation of the devic e. Pleas e r ead the f ollow ing if you ar e exper ienc ing any
pr oblems .
I f you c annot f ind the ans w er to your pr oblem, pleas e f eel f r ee to go to :
w w w. Atlas Mediac o. c om or email: s uppor t@Atlas Mediac o. c om.
We w ill be mor e than happy to help you out as s oon as pos s ible.
Que s t ion 1:
I cannot access the device's m anagem ent interf ace. What should I
Make s ur e th e pow er L ED on th e dev ic e' s f r ont pane l is on and th e S YS LED
is blinking.
Make s ur e all the c ables ar e c or r ec tly c onnec ted and the c or r es ponding LAN
LED is lit.
Ver if y that your PC' s T CP/I P s ettings ar e c onf igur ed c or r ec tly. I f you
manually s et the I P, make s ur e it is betw een 192. 168. 0. 2~ 192. 168. 0. 254. Or
you c an automatic ally s elec t an I P addr es s .
Chec k the I P addr es s you enter ed in your br ow s er. I t s hould r ead
http://192. 168. 0. 1.
Open your br ow s er and c lic k
Tools - > I nt e rne t Opt ions - > Conne ct ions - >
LAN s e t t ings
, unc hec k the
Us e a proxy s e rve r f or your LAN
Pr es s the WPS/RST button f or over 7 s ec onds to r es tor e your devic e to
f ac tor y def ault s ettings . T hen log to your devic e again.
Que s t ion 2:
I changed the login pa ss wor d and unf ortunately f org et it. Wha t
should I do?
Pr es s the WPS/RST button f or over 7 s ec onds to r es tor e your devic e to
f ac tor y def ault s ettings . You w ill then be able to r ec onf igur e your devic e.
Que s t ion 3:
My com puter shows an IP addre s s conf lict erro r af ter having
connected to the device . What should I do?
Make sure other d ev ic es on your LAN do not use th e router ‟s LAN IP. The
devic e' s def ault LAN I P addr es s is 192. 168. 0. 1.
Make s ur e the s tatic ally as s igned I P addr es s es ar e not us ed mor e than onc e.
Que s t ion 4:
I am having problem s connect ing to Internet/Secure websites or
pages are partially loading. What should I do?
T his pr oblem mainly happens to us ers w ho us e the PPPoE or Dynamic I P I nter net
c onnec tion type. You w ill need to c hange the MT U s ize. T r y c hanging the MT U
to 1450 or 1400. I f this does not help, gr adually r educ e the MT U value f r om the
maximum value until the pr oblem dis appear s .
Summary of Contents for AMW-DBR 1200AC
Page 1: ...AMW DBR 1200AC Wireless AC1200 Dual band Router User Guide AtlasMediaCo com ...
Page 47: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 45 Click Add Select or enter your wireless MAC address and click Save ...
Page 85: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 83 2 Click Network and Internet 3 Click Network and Sharing Center ...
Page 87: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 85 6 Select Internet Protocol Version 4 TCP IPv4 and click Properties ...
Page 88: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 86 7 Select Obtain an IP address automatically and click OK ...
Page 89: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 87 8 Click OK on the Local Area Connection Properties window ...
Page 91: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 89 2 Click Network and Internet 3 Click Network and Sharing Center ...
Page 99: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 97 3 Select the wireless network and click Remove network ...